From the Narrows/Truck camper living


Fires in the north country creating a smokey haze here at the Narrows.

Time at the Narrows was spent visiting with many travelers around the campfire.
Time at the Narrows was spent visiting with many travellers around the campfire.
This is our big screen TV, the whole outdoors.
This is our big screen TV, the whole outdoors.

Writing from the Narrows campground in Prince Albert National Park today this seems to be our go to place to start our travels. After a great visit with my cousin Brent and Wendy we started discovering all truck camper people are very similar in their thinking. Brent and I would consider putting a wood burning stove in the campers, Wendy and Charlotte not so much. I think they are concerned about the hole in the roof or something like that. They are now wandering following the good weather in BC and so far staying out of the snow (yes snow in Alberta and BC June 19th).

Just an image I liked on the "big screen".
Just an image I liked on the “big screen”.
Smoke produces a soft glow as the sun sets.
Smoke produces a soft glow as the sun sets.
Brent and Wendy at the Narrows.
Brent and Wendy at the Narrows.
Campfire Pizza
Campfire Pizza

Truck campers in Saskatchewan are not very common, a lot of people like their big fivers as they call them and tow behinds. So we were kinda impressed when as Brent and Wendy were leaving in pulls another truck camper and a Northern Lite no less.
Being true to my nature, they say it runs in the family, I just had to introduce myself and Charlotte to these newcomers to the campground. I had hoped I could get a little information on their travels for my blog, Ron indicated at the time it was just a quick stop on their journey. Little did we know at the time the little information I hoped to get would turn into a whole blog on its own. That quick stop for them basically an overnighter would turn into a week stay.

Ron Anne and Auzzie at the Narrows

This worked out great as I would like to keep up my blog but our lives here were getting very repetitive as far as something to write about that would keep ya all spellbound and reading. Well it is almost scary to think how much these two were like Charlotte and myself. Let me introduce you to Ron and Anne Baker with their dog Auzzie from Powell River, BC, with their permission of course. PS:It took awhile to get their permission as Ron later said upon our first meeting, “this guy wearing a western hat, scarf and a front tactical bag that looks like he is packing walks up to me. I thought perhaps we ended up in the deep south of Texas or something”. I was of course packing but as he found out it was my camera, far more dangerous. Note Anne was hiding in the camper that first meeting, we eventually got to meet her as well.
My notes from June 6th/23
Today we met Anne and Ron Baker and their dog Auzzie from Powell River, BC and spent the entire afternoon comparing our Northern Lite campers and upgrades we have made to them. We found we have much in common as we all have that nomatic desire to travel experience and see new parts of this fantastic world we live in. Like us they have a stick and brick home just newly constructed and have rented it out for what they said would be for a year and a half and hit the road in their truck camper which is now home. They are heading across Canada to Newfoundland and Labrador spending time on the East Coast of Canada. When asked why Labrador Ron replied “because there is a road there, and we have not met anyone who has been to Labrador, so we are going”. They plan on wintering perhaps in rented accommodations somewhere on the east coast and will retun travelling a different route in the spring.
Anne and Ron are not new to camping and travelling.They have been to Mexico and have also spent time off dry land on the water in their 25 foot boat they lived on for periods of time. Not sure I will live long enough but that also was on my bucket list. This is their 2nd Northern Lite truck camper as they sold their first one to help finance building their new house, Ron said. Once the house was done they got the travel bug again and purchased their present 10.2 NL and loaded it on their Dodge 3500 Ram dually. Anne and Ron have done an amazing job with upgrades and changes to create a comfortable living and storage spaces to suit their lifestyle on the road. I am now inspired to look for more hidden spaces we can use. I really should have documented them, perhaps Ron will share them on line.
Before truck campers they tented and backpacked and even spent their honeymoon travelling in a rented van. Now retired and having sold their printing shop they owned for 20 years, they are looking forward to travelling while they can. Like us they have left their home, theirs overlooking the ocean, ours overlooking Pike lake to be enjoyed by someone else while they live in their home on wheels.
Another thing we have in common we do not like on line reservations and feel it is just a money grab and not at all convenient for travellers. They also avoid the popular Provincial campgrounds in favour of small center campgrounds, gravel pits and Rec sites along the road. I’m sure there is a large group of RV nomads that do not want to have to be anywhere at a set date, time or even month, that want to plan how long we stay or when we leave in advance. Anne and Ron enjoy the freedom to follow their hearts to move and stay at will with the flexibility to change plans. We have found in the past RV travellers and especially those full timers are willing to help each other along the way. This was the case here as we all know that own Northern Lite truck campers they have a problem with water getting into the generator compartments. Ron just finished applying a drip channel around his. This is something I have been wanting to do, Ron generously gave me enough of his left over channel to do around mine.

A drip mold added to around the Northern Lite generator copartment.
A drip mold added to around the Northern Lite generator compartment.

Now these were the intended notes to post with a few additions about Anne and Rons travels. Like youtubers and travel bloggers we want to try and make RV life just sound like we just discovered a fresh bowl of cherries. This is not always the case so you are just going to have to tune back into the “Rest of the Ron and Anne story” in my next blog, as usual I have gone on far too long.
Word Press will send you a notice if you subscribe by email when I put a new post up, this is convenient for me and is not a marketing gimmic. For my time I get the satisfaction someone may get a kick out of my ramblings and I can share my photos and that’s it.

Instagram: gerrypopplewell
Facebook: Gerry Popplewell
As always Charlotte and I hope to meet you all down the road.

Gerry (RVcowboy)
Charlotte (Editor in Chief)

2 thoughts on “From the Narrows/Truck camper living”

  1. thanks again for the blog always look forward to reading your adventures when are you heading back to saskatoon for your surgery wayne…regona sk

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